evening n. 1.傍晚,黄昏,晚。 2.〔方言〕午后〔从中午到黄昏〕。 3.晚年;衰退期,末期。 4.晚会。 an evening edition 夕刊。 evening gown 女夜礼服。 an evening paper 晚报。 an evening school 夜校。 the evening star 晚星,金星。 evening student 夜校学生。 the evening of life 晚年。 Good evening ! 晚安! evening by evening 天天晚上。 evening coat 燕尾服。 evening glow 夕阳。 go out evenings 〔美国〕 =go out in the evening 晚上出去,在黄昏时候出去。 make an evening of it 玩个通宵。 of an evening往往在晚上。 on [in] the evening of 在…日的傍晚。 towards evening 快黑的时候。 adv. -s 每晚,在绝大多数晚间。
milk n. 1.乳,奶;牛奶。 2.乳状物;乳状液;【药学】乳剂。 3.〔废语〕鱼子。 4.【赛马】不正当利益。 5.〔美俚〕雪。 6.【物理学】子同位素。 as white as milk 牛奶一样白,纯白。 a milk diet 牛奶餐,乳饵。 condensed [Swiss] milk 炼乳。 separated milk, skimmed milk 脱脂乳。 whole milk 全脂乳。 a powder(ed) milk 奶粉。 blue milk 搀水牛奶(= watered milk);(因细菌)变青的牛奶。 acidophilus milk 酸牛奶。 Bristol milk 布里斯托尔酒。 milk of lime 石灰乳。 milk of magnesia 镁乳(泻药)。 milk of sulphur 硫黄乳。 in milk 在授乳期的(a cow in milk 乳牛)。 milk and honey 乳和蜜(般的享受);丰饶,繁荣。 milk and roses 白中泛红的脸色。 milk and water 搀水的牛奶;无味的谈话[讲义];过分的感伤〔cf. milk-and-water〕。 milk for babes (读物、教理等)适合儿童的东西,初步的东西(opp. strong meat)。 milk of human kindness 自然而然的人情;同情心。 M- Route 〔美俚〕奶路〔商人向华盛顿各政府机关做买卖的门道〕。 milk route 〔美空俚〕短距离航线;美大陆横断航线给油机。 spilt milk 不可挽回的事情(It's [There's] no good [use] crying over spilt milk. 无法挽回的事哭也无益)。 vt. 1.挤…的奶;挤(奶)。 2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒。 3.〔俚语〕套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)。 vi. 1.出奶,挤奶。 2.(天气)变阴 (up)。 The cows are milking well this season. 这一季乳牛出奶很旺。 milk the audience 【美剧】为想博得喝采过分卖力。 milk the bull [ram] 缘木求鱼,做没希望的事情。 milk the market [street] 〔美俚〕操纵股票市场从中渔利。
But this isn ' t part of an effort to convert a few to the dark side ( or even milk ) side of cocoa , kocchar said 但科克哈尔表示研究并不是为了雀巢公司将其运用于牛奶和咖啡生产中去。
But this isn ' t part of an effort to convert a few to the dark side ( or even milk ) side of cocoa , kocchar said 但科克哈尔表示此项研究并不是为了雀巢公司将其运用于牛奶和咖啡生产中去。
When the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them , and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither 傍晚的牛奶挤完以后,她不愿意和其他的人呆在一起,就走出门外,独自闲走着,就是连自己也不知道走到哪儿去。
There wasn ' t enough fresh grass for themto be put out to pasture yet ? the low places in the pastures were still mostly under water ? but they werelet out of the stable to exercise before the evening milking 没有充足的鲜草放牧它们? ?大部分低地牧场现在还淹在水中? ?但傍晚挤奶前会把它们放出马房活动活动。
The denizens were all enjoying the usual afternoon nap of an hour or so which the exceedingly early hours kept in summer - time rendered a necessity . at the door the wood - hooped pails , sodden and bleached by infinite scrubbings , hung like hats on a stand upon the forked and peeled limb of an oak fixed there for that purpose ; all of them ready and dry for the evening milking . angel entered , and went through the silent passages of the house to the back quarters , where he listened for a moment 奶牛场里的居民,都在像平常一样享受午后一个小时左右的小睡,夏天起床非常早,中午小睡一会儿是不可缺少的门前有一棵用来挂牛奶桶的剥了树皮的橡树桩固定在地上,树权上挂着带箍的木桶,木桶经过不断的擦洗,已经让水泡透了,洗白了,挂在那儿就像一顶顶帽子所有的木桶都洗静了,晒干了,准备晚上挤牛奶使用。