
evening milk中文是什么意思

  • 晚奶
  • 晚上挤的牛乳



  • 例句与用法
  • But this isn ' t part of an effort to convert a few to the dark side ( or even milk ) side of cocoa , kocchar said
  • But this isn ' t part of an effort to convert a few to the dark side ( or even milk ) side of cocoa , kocchar said
  • When the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them , and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither
  • There wasn ' t enough fresh grass for themto be put out to pasture yet ? the low places in the pastures were still mostly under water ? but they werelet out of the stable to exercise before the evening milking
    没有充足的鲜草放牧它们? ?大部分低地牧场现在还淹在水中? ?但傍晚挤奶前会把它们放出马房活动活动。
  • The denizens were all enjoying the usual afternoon nap of an hour or so which the exceedingly early hours kept in summer - time rendered a necessity . at the door the wood - hooped pails , sodden and bleached by infinite scrubbings , hung like hats on a stand upon the forked and peeled limb of an oak fixed there for that purpose ; all of them ready and dry for the evening milking . angel entered , and went through the silent passages of the house to the back quarters , where he listened for a moment
  • 推荐英语阅读
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